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TENG Bingsheng







滕教授的研究与教学领域集中在战略联盟、竞争战略、创业与创新,以及企业的跨国经营。 滕教授在国际著名学刊上共发表了二十多篇论文,其中包括《管理学会评论》、《组织科学》 等顶尖刊物。他被认为是战略联盟方面的权威,受到媒体(如《华尔街时报》和《华盛顿邮报》)的多次专访,研究成果被众多战略学教材引用,若干文章更被认为是研究联盟所必读,得到数千次的专业引用数。两本中文专著《企业战略》(2015)与《从颠覆到重生》(2017)受到读者广泛关注。







McCutchen, W. W. Jr., Swamidass, P. M., & Teng, B. forthcoming. "Strategic Alliance Termination and Performance: The Role of Task Complexity, Nationality, and Experience." Journal of High Technology Management Research.
Teng, B. 2007. "Corporate Entrepreneurship Activities through Strategic Alliances: A Resource-based Approach toward Competitive Advantage." Journal of Management Studies, 44(1): 119-142.
Teng, B. 2007. "Managing Intellectual Property in R&D Alliances." International Journal of Technology Management, 38(1/2): 160-177.
Cummings, J.L., & Teng, B. 2006.  "The Keys to Successful Knowledge-sharing."  Journal of General Management, 31(4): 1-18.

Teng, B. 2005. "The Emergence and Popularization of Strategic Alliances: Institutional and Entrepreneurial Views." International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1: 61-82.
Teng, B. 2004. "The WTO and Entry Modes in China." Thunderbird International Business Review, 46: 381-400.
McCutchen, W. W. Jr., Swamidass, P. M., & Teng, B. 2004. "R&D Risk-taking in Strategic Alliances: New Explanations for R&D Alliances in the Biopharmaceutical Industry." Management International Review, 44(1): 53-67.
Teng, B. 2003. "Collaborative Advantage of Strategic Alliances: Value Creation in the Value Net." Journal of General Management, 29(2): 1-22.
Cummings, J. L., & Teng, B. 2003. "Transferring R&D Knowledge: The Key Factors Affecting Knowledge Transfer Success." Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20(1-2): 39-68.
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. 2002. "Alliance Constellations: A Social Exchange Perspective." Academy of Management Review, 27: 445-456.
Teng, B., & Cummings, J. L. 2002. "Trade-offs in Managing Resources and Capabilities." Academy of Management Executive, 16(2): 81-91.
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. 2002. "The Dynamics of Alliance Conditions in the Alliance Development Process." Journal of Management Studies, 39: 725-746.
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. 2001. "Trust, Control, and Risk in Strategic Alliances: An Integrated Framework." Organization Studies, 22: 251-283.
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. 2001. "Strategic Risk Behavior and Its Temporalities: Between Risk Propensity and Decision Context." Journal of Management Studies, 38: 515-534.
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. 2000. "A Resource-based Theory of Strategic Alliances." Journal of Management, 26: 31-61.
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. 2000. "Instabilities of Strategic Alliances: An Internal Tensions Perspective." Organization Science, 11: 77-101.
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. 1999. "Managing Risks in Strategic Alliances." Academy of Management Executive, 13(4): 50-62.
Das, T. K., & Teng, B. 1998. "Between Trust and Control: Developing Confidence in Partner Cooperation in Alliances." Academy of Management Review, 23: 491-512.