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长江新力量︱Sahil Chugani:中国将是在亚洲成功的关键节点





MBA2015:Sahil Chugani 楚小龙



教育背景:伦敦帝国理工学院 本科 (Imperial College London)

工作经历:全球顶级投行 / 家族企业 / 创业


Sahil Chugani: "After spending 8 years in London across two Wall Street firms and a series of start-ups /entrepreneurial ventures, I am looking to set up my own company in Asia, and build bridges between China and Europe. I truly believe unlocking China is the key to long term business success and with government initiatives like Made in China 2025 (中国制造2025) / One Belt, One  Road (一带一路), my conviction strengthens.  


Whether it’s starting a FinTech P2P platform, importing wine from Spain, replicating a European app/service in China, exporting to the UK, there are lots of ideas I would like to explore while at CKGSB - especially with my peers and faculty where I hope to find a business partner in the process. Choosing CKGSB was a no-brainer as it stands out as the perfect trampoline into business in China. Compared to other Chinese schools, there seems to be a clear focus at CKGSB to truly encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in China, all in a very practical learning environment. Learning about Xiaomi, Tencent, Sinopec instead of Ford, Kraft, GE will be fascinating and relevant to my ultimate goal. Also, learning from the well respected CKGSB faculty makes me feel honored to be part of the CKGSB family. Lastly, the CKGSB alumni network is an unparalleled pool of talent and inspiration for business in China and I look forward to learning from and about them, including Jack MA, FU Chengyu and many others.


A program that in 14 months in length, with hands-on education in the political capital of China, a 3 weeks U.S. module, a 6 weeks internship and exchange program around the world, makes incredible program, and I am truly excited for the coming year."



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