
  • 《仁与修身:儒家思想论集》以一种分析、描述的方式来检讨儒学思想模式的某些显著特征,集中反映了其60—70年代对儒家思想和精神层面的探索。作者从古典儒学、宋明儒学和现代儒学三个维度来讨论儒家思想的核心关切:仁与修身。



  • 《杜维明作品系列·中庸:论儒学的宗教性》通过对文本的三个核心概念——君子、政、诚——进行诠释学分析,作者希望破除所谓儒学主要是一种社会哲学或伦理体系的习俗偏见,认为儒家思想作为哲学人类学的一种形式,充满了深刻的伦理宗教的意蕴,它对人的宗教性的唤起和它对人的理性的表达一样充分。所谓信仰与理性,或理性与启示的二分,...



  • 本文通过聚焦“娱乐性”这一电视娱乐节目的根本属性,通过对娱乐性的本性认定和功能界定,厘清多年来人们对于娱乐性的错误认识和片面理解,确认电视娱乐节目娱乐性存在的合法性和必要性,阐明电视娱乐节目的娱乐性的本体特征以及对节目创作的指导意义,并指出:当下电视娱乐节目中出现的诸如“立意不高,传达错误导向;创意不足,克隆...



  • 《新加坡的挑战:新儒家伦理与企业精神》由三部分组成,第一部分包括杜维明的四次公开演讲,主题是有关儒家思想的核心价值、儒家对于“学”的理解、儒家伦理与东亚企业精神,以及儒家伦理在东亚的现实意义;第二部分是作者与新加坡国会议员和几位部长们的讨论的记录审定稿;第三部分是作者对新加坡开设中学儒家伦理课程方法刍议。



  • 本书还就中国的未来以及21世纪的美中关系和日中关系进行了交谈。中国在国际社会中应发挥的作用,今后将会愈来愈大。可以说,这是不言而喻的道理。 本书如果能对汉语圈的读者、特别是对将承担下一代重任的青年们起到某种精神食粮的作用,我将无比高兴。



  • The underlying themes of this volume are the relations between a central cultural core, situated in China, and the various peripheral communities around the world where large numbers of Chinese have settled, and the way those relations have changed over time. What does it mean today to be Chin...

    The Living Tree: The Changing Mean...


  • “It is a spectacular example of the Confucian commentarial tradition at its best. Tu manages to elucidate the original text while building on it in new and exciting ways. He has a clear grasp of the inner logic which is the engine of Chung yung's thought, and best of all, he is able to communic...

    Centrality and Commonality: An Ess...


  • This first paperback edition of a classic text includes a new preface by the author, and a new introductory essay on "Tu Wei-ming`s Confucianism" by Robert Cummings Neville, Dean of the School of Theology at Boston University. The 12 essays in this volume concisely illustrate the inherent ...

    Humanity and Self-Cultivation: Essa...


  • How Confucian traditions have shaped styles of being modern in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore presents a particular challenge to the intellectual community. Explorations of Confucian network capitalism, meritocratic democracy, and liberal education have practical imp...

    Confucian Traditions in East Asian M...


  • Tu Wei-ming is the foremost exponent of Confucian thought in the United States today. Over the last two decades he has been developing a creative scholarly interpretation of Confucian humanism as a living tradition. The result is a work of interpretive brilliance that revitalizes Confucian thou...

    Confucian Thought (SUNY Series in...


  • China now attracts global attention in direct proportion to its increasing economic and geopolitical power. But for millennia, the philosophy which has shaped the soul of China is not modern Communism, or even new forms of capitalism, but rather Confucianism. And one of the most striking p...

    New Horizons in Eastern Humanism:...


  • Liu Zhi (ca. 1670–1724) was one of the most important scholars of Islam in traditional China. His Tianfang xingli (Nature and Principle in Islam), the Chinese-language text translated here, focuses on the roots or principles of Islam. It was heavily influenced by several classic texts in the S...

    The Sage Learning of Liu Zhi: Islam...


  • Way, Learning, and Politics: Essays ...


  • Centrality and commonality


  • What will China look like in the twenty-first century? Powerful forces are at work and its seeming stability has been largely lost after Tiananmen Square. Changing political, social, economic, intellectual, and cultural conditions are transforming China and its neighbors with a majority Chin...

    China in Transformation


  • This collection of essays is at present the most comprehensive presentation of Tu Weiming's intellectual pursuit for the last three decades. Part I offers an insight on the thoughtful and influential discourses he has been instrumental in developing: cultural China, the implications of the rise of E...

    The Global Significance of Concrete ...


  • The Confucian World Observed:A Con...


  • China has experienced a tremendous turn-around over the past three decades from the ethos of sacrificing life to the emergent appeal for valuing life. This book takes an interdisciplinary look at China during these decades of transformation through the defining theme of governance of life. With an em...

    Governance of Life in Chinese Moral ...


  • The past two decades have witnessed both tremendous change and tremendous growth in the financial sector in countries across the globe. At the same time, however, many countries in the world have experienced banking crises, sometimes leading to costly bank failures and overall disruption in econ...

    Global Banking Regulation and Superv...


  • China’s emerging financial markets reflect the usual contrast between the country’s measured approach toward policy, regulatory, and market reform, and the dynamic pace of rapid economic growth and development. But they also offer unusual challenges and opportunities. In the past five years, th...

    China's Emerging Financial Markets:...


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