Five-Star Workshop in Finance 2023 五星金融论坛 |
Dec.1-2, 2023 |
ORGANIZER: Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business 主办单位: 长江商学院 |
Workshop Schedule |
Friday, Dec. 1 |
8:30AM-8:35AM |
Welcome Remarks |
8:35AM-9:10AM |
The Change in Corporate Production Function: Theory and Evidence |
9:10AM-9:25AM |
Discussant: Yang Liu, The University of Hong Kong |
9:25AM-9:30AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
9:30AM-9:55AM |
International Stock Return Predictability: The Role of U.S. Volatility Risk Presenter: Ti Zhou, Southern University of Science and Technology |
9:55AM-10:00AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
10:00AM-10:20AM |
Coffee Break 20 minutes |
10:20AM-10:45AM |
Presenter: Junxiong Gao, SAIF, Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
10:45AM-10:50AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
10:50AM-11:25AM |
Borrowing like China? A Theory of Guarantee Multipliers Presenter: Zehao Liu, School of Finance, Renmin University of China |
11:25AM-11:40AM |
Discussant: Zhen Zhou, PBCSF, Tsinghua University |
11:40AM-11:45AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
11:45AM-12:10PM |
Debt Rollover Risk and Lagged Credit Ratings Presenter: Yiyao Wang, SAIF, Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
12:10PM-12:15PM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
12:15PM-2:00PM |
Lunch: Box Meal |
2:00PM-2:35PM |
Board Connections and CEO Successions Presenter: Joanna (Xiaoyu) Wang, HSBC Business School, Peking University |
2:35PM-2:50PM |
Discussant: Botong Shang, Singapore Management University |
2:50PM-2:55PM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
2:55PM-3:20PM |
Expected Return Shocks and Portfolio Rebalancing Presenter: Yu Zhang, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University |
3:20PM-3:25PM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
3:25PM-3:50PM |
Do New Ratings Add Information? Evidence from The Staggered Introduction of ESG Rating Agencies in China Presenter: Xiang Yin, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University |
3:50PM-3:55PM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
3:55PM-4:15PM |
Coffee Break 20 minutes |
4:15PM-4:40PM |
ESG Window Dressing Presenter: Li An, PBCSF, Tsinghua University |
4:40PM-4:45PM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
4:45PM-5:10PM |
Bond Financing Channel of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Chinese Policy Bank Lending |
5:10PM-5:15PM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
5:15PM-5:40PM |
Management Reporting and Analyst Forecasting with Shared and Conflicting Incentives Presenter: Nanqin Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology |
5:40PM-5:45PM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
5:50PM-7:30PM |
Dinner |
Saturday, Dec. 2 |
8:30AM-9:05AM |
Regulatory Enforcement of Public Disclosure and Connected Investors in Corporate Bond Issuance Presenter: Yi Ding, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen |
9:05AM-9:20AM |
Discussant: Hongyu Shan, China Europe International Business School |
9:20AM-9:25AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
9:25AM-9:50AM |
The Value of Bankruptcy Enforcement in Financial Distress: Evidence from Chinese Bond Market Presenter: Mai Li, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University |
9:50AM-9:55AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
9:55AM-10:15AM |
Coffee Break 20 minutes |
10:15AM-10:40AM |
How Does Human-Machine Collaboration Work? ——Evidence From Auto Finance Leasing Transaction Data Presenter: Yao Lu, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University |
10:40AM-10:45AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
10:45AM-11:10AM |
Artificial Intelligence and Information Production in Selection Markets: Experimental Evidence from Insurance Intermediation Presenter: Xing Liu, PBCSF, Tsinghua University |
11:10AM-11:15AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
11:15AM-11:40AM |
11:40AM-11:45AM |
Q&A 5 minutes |
11:45AM-1:30PM |
Lunch: Box Meal |